September 8, 2024

by Bartosz Salamon


In an increasingly dynamic and competitive startup landscape, standing out is no easy feat. We are thrilled to announce that AdsLinkers has been recognized as one of the top 10 startups in Poland, earning a nomination in the prestigious “Rookie of the Year” competition for 2024. This accolade not only highlights our innovative approach to digital marketing but also underscores the vibrant startup environment in Poland and the broader global market.

Global market insights on startup funding 2021-2024

Based on crunchbase data

The Global Startup Landscape

Globally, the startup ecosystem continues to expand, with new ventures emerging daily across all sectors. In 2024, the startup market is more interconnected and fast-paced than ever, fueled by advancements in technology, shifts in consumer behavior, and increased access to global markets. Startups today are not just competing locally; they are vying for a place on the global stage, where they must navigate diverse markets, regulatory landscapes, and consumer preferences. On the other hand there is decrease in funding for startups on global level which causes more and more companies have to bootstrap, rather than focusing on customer acquisition.

While the global market presents numerous opportunities for growth, it also comes with its set of challenges. Startups must be agile, customer-centric, and prepared to pivot their strategies as needed. The ability to scale operations, manage resources efficiently, and maintain a strong brand presence is crucial for success. AdsLinkers has embraced these challenges head-on, using our innovative adtech solutions to carve out a niche in the competitive digital marketing space.

The startup ecosystem, particularly in Poland, has seen remarkable growth and transformation over recent years. With increasing access to funding, government support, and a robust network of accelerators and incubators, Poland has become a fertile ground for innovative ventures. Polish startups are leveraging local talent, technological expertise, and strategic positioning within the European market to drive growth and make an impact on a global scale.

However, the path for startups is rarely smooth. The competition is fierce, and the market demands constant innovation, adaptability, and a deep understanding of consumer needs. Overall years 2022-2024 was decrease in global funding which slowed down innovation. Companies like ours, AdsLinkers, thrive in this environment by offering unique solutions that address specific pain points in the market. Our platform, which automates digital campaigns using real-time external data triggers, is an example of how startups can leverage technology to provide tangible value and drive results for clients across various industries. Being recognized as one of the top startups in Poland within “Rookie of the Year” competition help us build credibility across global market!

Nominee in Rookie of the Year

Being nominated as one of the top 10 startups in Poland in the “Rookie of the Year” competition is a significant milestone for AdsLinkers. This recognition is a testament to our team’s hard work, dedication, and commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in digital advertising. We are proud to represent Poland’s vibrant startup community and excited about the future as we continue to grow and innovate.

As we look ahead, our focus remains on delivering exceptional value to our clients, expanding our reach, and leveraging our platform to transform how businesses approach digital marketing. This nomination is not just an honor but also a motivation to keep striving for excellence and to further our impact on the global stage.

We as AdsLinkers are extremely happy to be recognized among Poland’s top startups, and we look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey, and here’s to many more achievements to come!

We invite you to join us as we continue to make waves in the adtech industry, driving innovation and creating meaningful connections between brands and consumers. Contact us and find how to automate your digital marketing!


Q: What does it mean for AdsLinkers to be nominated in the “Rookie of the Year” competition?
A: Being nominated in the “Rookie of the Year” competition is a significant recognition for AdsLinkers, highlighting our innovation, growth, and impact within the startup ecosystem in Poland. This accolade acknowledges the hard work and dedication of our team and positions us among the top emerging companies in the country. It serves as a validation of our unique approach to adtech and our commitment to transforming digital marketing through automation and real-time data integration.

Q: How does the startup environment in Poland contribute to the success of companies like AdsLinkers?
A: Poland’s startup environment has evolved rapidly, offering a robust support system that includes access to funding, mentorship, and a growing network of accelerators and incubators. This ecosystem fosters innovation and provides startups with the resources needed to scale and compete on both national and international levels. For AdsLinkers, being part of this dynamic environment has allowed us to tap into local talent, leverage technological expertise, and develop a competitive edge in the adtech market.

Q: What are the challenges and opportunities in the global startup market that AdsLinkers is navigating?
A: The global startup market presents both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, there is immense potential for growth, access to a diverse customer base, and the chance to make a significant impact on a global scale. However, startups also face challenges such as intense competition, the need for continuous innovation, and the complexities of scaling across different markets. AdsLinkers navigates these challenges by focusing on our core strengths—offering cutting-edge adtech solutions that automate and optimize digital campaigns, helping businesses effectively connect with their target audiences worldwide.

Q: What is the significance of the “Rookie of the Year” competition for startups in Poland?
A: The “Rookie of the Year” competition is a prestigious event that shines a spotlight on the most promising startups in Poland. It recognizes young companies that demonstrate exceptional potential, innovation, and growth within their respective industries. For startups, being part of this competition not only brings recognition and credibility but also provides valuable exposure to investors, partners, and customers. For AdsLinkers, being nominated among the top 10 startups is a proud moment that validates our efforts and motivates us to continue pushing the boundaries of digital marketing innovation.

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