October 9, 2024

by Bartosz Salamon


In digital marketing, grabbing attention can be tough. That’s where weatherad comes in handy – a smart advertising strategy that uses almost real-time live weather triggers to tailor ads based on current weather conditions. Think about it: showing an ad for winter tires due to a forecast of a snowy day or promoting ice cream when it’s hot and sunny. Weatherad makes your ads feel timely and personal, increasing the chances that your customers will engage with your content. This post will walk you through how weatherad works and how you can use AdsLinkers to easily implement weather-triggered ads across multiple platforms like Display & Video 360 (DV360), Google Ads, Meta, TikTok, and Adform.

What is weatherad?

Weatherad is simply an advertisement that changes or is triggered based on real-time weather conditions. For example, when rain starts, you could display ads promoting waterproof jackets or indoor entertainment. Using live weather data, weatherad allows you to align your message with what’s happening in your audience’s environment, making it more relevant and engaging.

Case study with Burger King

Case study with usage of weatherad with AdsLinkers by Burger King.

Weatherad effectiveness

Weather influences consumer behavior. If it’s pouring rain outside, people are more likely to shop online, cozy up indoors, or buy weather-related products. With weatherad, your campaigns take advantage of these behaviors. AdsLinkers makes it easy to create weatherads that automatically change based on conditions like rain, snow, or sunshine.

The benefits include:

  • Higher engagement: Tailored, real-time ads grab attention better than generic ones.
  • Better budget use: You only show your ads when the conditions are right, so your ad spend goes further.
  • Improved user experience: Ads that reflect current weather feel more relevant and less intrusive to consumers.

Step-by-step on how to create weatherad

Creating a weatherad with AdsLinkers is a simple process that allows you to automate and optimize your ads based on real-time weather conditions. Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Connect your marketing platforms: Begin by linking your preferred platforms, such as Google Ads, Meta, TikTok, or DV360 to AdsLinkers. This allows for seamless synchronization and management across multiple channels.
  2. Prepare your campaigns: Set up your ad campaigns within your chosen marketing platforms, ensuring that the creative and targeting align with your overall strategy.
  3. Set up workflows with weather triggers: In AdsLinkers app, create workflows that activate your ads based on specific weather conditions, such as rain or sunshine. You can also include other triggers, such as time of day or user behavior, for additional customization.
  4. Start your workflow: Once everything is configured, activate your workflow. Your ads will now run automatically, adjusting to live weather data, ensuring they are displayed at the most relevant times.

Where you can use weatherad?

Creating a weatherad with AdsLinkers is a simple process that allows you to automate and optimize your ads based on real-time weather conditions. Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Connect your marketing platforms: Begin by linking your preferred platforms, such as Google Ads, Meta, TikTok, or DV360 to AdsLinkers. This allows for seamless synchronization and management across multiple channels.
  2. Prepare your campaigns: Set up your ad campaigns within your chosen marketing platforms, ensuring that the creative and targeting align with your overall strategy.
  3. Set up workflows with weather triggers: In AdsLinkers app, create workflows that activate your ads based on specific weather conditions, such as rain or sunshine. You can also include other triggers, such as time of day or user behavior, for additional customization.
  4. Start your workflow: Once everything is configured, activate your workflow. Your ads will now run automatically, adjusting to live weather data, ensuring they are displayed at the most relevant times.

Future-proof your marketing strategy

With more than 36% of internet users rejecting cookies, traditional targeting methods are becoming less reliable. This shift underscores the growing need for alternative, data-driven approaches that don’t rely on user tracking. Weatherad with AdsLinkers offers a powerful solution, allowing marketers to deliver personalized ads based on real-time conditions without relying on third-party cookies. By leveraging platforms like our, which integrates weather data across Google Ads, Meta, TikTok, and DV360, you can ensure your campaigns are both relevant and compliant. As privacy regulations tighten and cookie-based tracking diminishes, adopting dynamic, weatherads is essential to future-proof your marketing strategy and maintain a competitive edge in a privacy-conscious world. Contact us and transform you marketing strategy now!


Q: Why are weatherads important in a future-proof marketing strategy?

A: With more than 36% of users rejecting cookies, traditional targeting methods are becoming less effective. Weather-triggered ads offer an alternative that doesn’t rely on cookies, delivering personalized ads based on real-time weather conditions. This approach ensures continued relevance and engagement while respecting user privacy.

Q: Which platforms support weather-triggered ads through AdsLinkers?

A: AdsLinkers integrates weather-triggered advertising across multiple platforms, including Google Ads, Meta (Facebook and Instagram), TikTok, Display & Video 360 (DV360), and Adform. This enables marketers to manage weather-based campaigns simultaneously across all these platforms.

Q: What are the benefits of using weather-triggered ads in today’s privacy-conscious environment?

A: Weather-triggered ads help maintain personalization without relying on user-tracking cookies, making them more compliant with privacy regulations. This method also enhances ad relevance, boosts engagement, and optimizes ad spend by targeting audiences when weather conditions align with the products or services being advertised.

Q: How can AdsLinkers help marketers future-proof their strategies?

A: AdsLinkers provides an easy way to integrate weather-triggered ads across multiple platforms, allowing marketers to shift away from cookie-based targeting. With the ability to automate campaigns based on real-time weather data, AdsLinkers ensures your marketing strategy remains effective in an increasingly privacy-regulated world.

Q: Can weather-triggered ads be combined with other real-time triggers for better targeting?

A: Yes, AdsLinkers allows you to set up multiple triggers in addition to weather conditions, such as time of day, user behavior, or competitor activity. This combination enables even more precise targeting, allowing your ads to be shown when the timing is optimal and the user is more likely to engage. This multi-trigger approach enhances campaign effectiveness by using various relevant factors.

Q: How can weather-triggered advertising help optimize my ad spend?

A: Weather-triggered ads ensure that your ads are only displayed when the weather conditions match the products or services you are promoting. This reduces wasted impressions and focuses your budget on moments when your audience is more likely to engage or convert. By targeting relevant conditions, like promoting rain gear during a downpour, you can increase the efficiency of your ad spend and improve ROI.

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