October 2, 2024

by Bartosz Salamon


What is CPM?

CPM stands for Cost Per Mille, with “mille” being the Latin word for thousand. In digital marketing and advertising, CPM refers to the cost of reaching 1000 impressions of an advertisement. An impression is counted each time an ad is displayed to a viewer, regardless of whether they click on it. CPM is one of the most commonly used pricing models in online advertising, particularly for display ads, video ads, and social media advertising.

What is CPM? Formula for CPM is total budget divided by total number of impressions multiplied by 1000.

How CPM Works

When advertisers purchase ads using the CPM model, they are essentially paying for visibility. For example, if an ad campaign has a CPM of $5, the advertiser will pay $5 for every 1,000 impressions of their ad. The total cost of the campaign can be calculated by multiplying the CPM by the number of thousands of impressions desired.

Why you should use CPM?

It is one of the most fundamental and widely used metrics in digital marketing. CPM is crucial because it offers a simple and direct way to measure the visibility of an ad campaign, making it a go-to metric for almost every online advertising activity, including display ads, social media marketing, video ads, and programmatic campaigns. Whether the goal is brand awareness or maximizing reach, CPM provides advertisers with an easily understandable method to gauge how many people are seeing their ads and at what cost. Due to its versatility and simplicity, CPM is a standard pricing model across platforms like Google Ads, Meta, TikTok, and more, ensuring that it’s central to almost any digital marketing strategy.

Limitations of CPM metric

While CPM is effective for brand awareness, it’s not ideal if the primary objective is to drive clicks or direct actions like sales. Because you pay per impression rather than performance, you might end up paying for views that do not result in engagement. Therefore, for campaigns focused on clicks or conversions, CPC (Cost Per Click) or CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) might be more appropriate.

There are also multiple different modifications to classic CPM such as:

Type of CPM Difference
vCPM Cost per 1000 visible impressions
aCPM Cost per 1000 attentive impressions which are based on multiple additional metrics like viewability, time spent on screen, heat maps and others
hvCPM Cost per 1000 human visible impressions with usage of anti-fraud solutions
eCPM Cost per 1000 effective impressions which led to generated revenue

Check how AdsLinkers can help your marketing in the future

In your future marketing activities, leveraging real-time data triggers through platforms like AdsLinkers can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns. By integrating dynamic triggers such as weather conditions, competitor actions, or social media trends, you can create ads that are timely, relevant, and more likely to engage your target audience. This level of personalization drives higher interaction rates and optimizes ad spend by delivering the right message at the perfect moment. AdsLinkers makes it easy to automate these triggers, allowing your marketing campaigns to adjust automatically based on external factors, ensuring better performance and return on investment. As the digital landscape evolves, incorporating trigger-based strategies will become essential for staying competitive and driving impactful marketing results. Get in touch with us and find out how AdsLinkers can help your marketing campaigns in any platform!


Q: What is CPM in digital marketing?

A: CPM stands for Cost Per Mille, where “mille” means 1,000 in Latin. It refers to the cost an advertiser pays to have their ad displayed 1,000 times to viewers, regardless of whether the viewers engage with it (like clicking). It’s a common pricing model used for display ads, video ads, and social media advertising, and is crucial for brand awareness campaigns where visibility is the primary goal.

Q: How is CPM calculated?

A: To calculate CPM take the total budget spent on the ad campaign and divide it by the total number of impressions, then multiply the result by 1,000.

Q: What are the different types of CPM?

A: There are multiple types of Cost per Mille: vCPM (Viewable CPM): Cost per 1,000 visible impressions, where the ad is actually seen by the user; aCPM (Attentive CPM): Cost per 1,000 impressions that take into account additional metrics like time spent viewing the ad, user engagement, and other attention-based factors; hvCPM (Human Visible CPM): A variation that includes anti-fraud measures to ensure the impressions are delivered to real, human viewers; eCPM (Effective CPM): A performance-based metric that calculates the cost per 1,000 impressions that led to revenue or another desired action.

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