April 23, 2023

by AdsLinkers


The demise of third-party cookies has sparked a significant shift in the digital marketing landscape. Brands and marketers prepare for a cookieless world. Driven by increasing privacy regulations and consumer demand for transparency. This new era of marketing presents both challenges and opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the risks, possibilities, solutions, and concerns. We will deep dive in a post-cookie marketing environment and outline how brands can adapt their strategies for success.

What is a cookie?

In the digital realm, a cookie is a small text file stored on a user’s device by a website. Primary purpose of cookies are enhancing the user experience. These unassuming files help websites remember user preferences, authenticate users, and gather valuable data for analytics purposes. By keeping track of user behaviors and preferences, cookies allow websites to deliver a more personalized, seamless browsing experience.

Types of cookies

Types of cookies - first party, third party, session, persistent cookies. Crucial to understand post-cookie era.

What is the big deal about it?

The demise of third-party cookies in marketing is a direct response to concerns about user privacy and data protection. After all internet users and regulators demand greater control over personal data. Major players in the industry, such as Google, have announced plans to phase out third-party cookies. This shift is ushering in a new era of digital marketing. Marketers are compelled to explore alternative solutions for delivering targeted advertising while respecting user privacy.

Risks for Brands

  • Reduced Targeting Capabilities: Without third-party cookies, brands may struggle to effectively target and personalize their marketing efforts, potentially leading to reduced campaign performance and ROI.
  • Data Fragmentation: As alternative solutions emerge, marketers may face increased data fragmentation, making it harder to create a unified view of the customer journey and optimize campaigns.
  • Competition for First-Party Data: Brands will need to compete for access to valuable first-party data, which may be increasingly controlled by walled gardens like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

Opportunities for Brands

  • Emphasis on First-Party Data: The shift away from third-party cookies encourages brands to prioritize the collection and management of first-party data. Ultimately fostering more direct and authentic relationships with their customers.
  • Privacy-First Marketing: By embracing privacy-centric solutions and practices, brands can demonstrate their commitment to data privacy. Also building trust and loyalty among their audience.
  • Innovation and Collaboration: The cookieless era presents an opportunity for the marketing industry to develop new technologies and collaborate on privacy-friendly solutions. That benefit both parties – advertisers and consumers.

Solutions for a Cookieless World

  1. Customer Data Platforms (CDPs): CDPs enable brands to collect, manage, and activate first-party data. While offering an alternative to third-party cookies for audience targeting and personalization.
  2. Contextual Advertising: By focusing on the content of webpages, contextual advertising allows marketers to target their ads without relying on third-party cookies.
  3. Universal IDs and Identity Solutions: Companies like LiveRamp and The Trade Desk are developing universal ID solutions. They aim to provide a privacy-friendly alternative to third-party cookies for cross-site tracking and targeting.
  4. Privacy Sandbox: Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative aims to develop new privacy-preserving APIs that enable targeted advertising without the use of third-party cookies.
  5. Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC): Google’s FLoC is a proposed alternative to third-party cookies that groups users into cohorts based on their browsing behavior. It allows advertisers to target ads without accessing individual user data. FLoC aims to balance privacy and personalization by providing a level of targeting granularity without compromising user privacy.
  6. Server-Side Tagging: As an alternative to third-party cookies, server-side tagging moves the collection and processing of data from the user’s browser to a server. Reducing the reliance on browser-based cookies for tracking and targeting. This approach can offer improved data privacy, as well as faster website performance and better control over data collection.
  7. Zero-Party Data: As brands prioritize first-party data collection there are zero-party data—information that users proactively share with brands.It offers another valuable source for audience insights and targeting. By creating engaging experiences and incentives for users to share their preferences, brands can build trust with customer. After all customer relationships are stronger while gaining valuable data for marketing efforts.

Concerns and Timeline

The timeline of cookieless advertising has been shaped by increasing concerns about user privacy and data protection. Major milestones include the proposal of GDPR in 2012, Apple’s introduction of Intelligent Tracking Prevention in 2016. Later on GDPR enforcement in 2018, the introduction of CCPA in 2019, and Google’s announcement of third-party cookie phase-out in 2020. As the industry moves towards a cookieless world, new solutions like FLoC and contextual targeting are being explored. They are created to maintain targeted advertising while respecting user privacy. The landscape continues to evolve as regulations and technologies develop in response to growing privacy concerns.

Post-cookie era timeline - it all started to speed up with GDPR. Later on, Apple prepared its own solution to block third party cookies. Majority of the traffic on the Internet comes from Google browsers and while they announce idea of stopping third party cookie is a crucial to the marketing market.
  • Adoption and Standardization: The success of cookieless solutions depends on widespread industry adoption and standardization, which may take time to achieve.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Brands must ensure their marketing practices and technologies align with evolving privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, to avoid potential fines and penalties.
  • Time Pressure: As major browsers phase out third-party cookies, marketers must adapt their strategies quickly to minimize disruptions to their campaigns. Google Chrome, the last major browser to eliminate third-party cookies, plans to phase them out by 2023. Brands and marketers must act now to prepare for this deadline and embrace the new era of cookieless marketing.

How triggers can help me in cookieless world?

With AdsLinkers software, innovate your marketing in a cookieless environment and unlock new levels of campaign efficiency. Utilizing external triggers like weather, stock market fluctuations, and social activity, AdsLinkers activates or pauses campaigns on platforms like Display & Video 360, Google Ads, Meta, YouTube, and TikTok. This approach ensures timely, impactful advertising that reaches your target audience at the right moments. Embrace the future with AdsLinkers and elevate your business in a privacy-focused world. Click here for a demo and innovate your marketing!


The transition to a cookieless world presents both challenges and opportunities for brands and marketers. By focusing on first-party data, embracing privacy-first marketing, and adopting innovative solutions, brands can adapt their strategies for success in the post-cookie era. As the timeline for third-party cookie elimination approaches, it’s crucial for marketers to stay informed, collaborate on industry solutions, and prioritize data privacy to ensure continued growth and success in this new era of marketing.


Q: What does a cookieless world mean for marketers?

A: A cookieless world means marketers must adapt to privacy-focused regulations, utilize first-party data, and explore alternative targeting methods while prioritizing user privacy and compliance.

Q: What is the cookieless world?

A: The cookieless world refers to the digital landscape without third-party cookies, driven by growing privacy concerns and regulatory changes that impact targeting and personalization.

Q: What does a cookieless future mean for marketers?

A: A cookieless future means marketers will need to innovate and adopt new strategies that emphasize first-party data, alternative targeting methods, and privacy compliance to effectively engage their target audiences.

Q: Is Google going cookieless?

A: Yes, Google is phasing out third-party cookies in its Chrome browser by 2023, which will significantly impact the way marketers target and personalize ads.

Q: How do I prepare for cookieless marketing?

A: Prepare by collecting first-party data, building stronger publisher relationships, exploring alternative targeting methods like contextual targeting, and ensuring privacy compliance.

Q: How do I prepare for cookieless?

A: To prepare for a cookieless world, focus on first-party data collection, collaborate with publishers, adopt alternative targeting techniques, and prioritize user privacy and compliance with data protection regulations.

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