April 3, 2024

by Bartosz Salamon


In today’s digital marketing ecosystem, the agility and precision offered by programmatic advertising stand unparalleled, marking a pivotal shift in how ad spaces are bought and optimized. Central to this revolution is Display & Video 360 (DV360), Google’s comprehensive platform that has redefined the landscape of automated online advertising. DV360 not only facilitates the efficient purchase of ad space but also empowers advertisers with robust targeting capabilities, enabling them to reach their desired audience with unprecedented accuracy. As experts in the field, we at AdsLinkers recognize the immense potential of targeting in Display & Video 360 and what it holds for marketers looking to refine their programmatic strategies. This guide delves into the nuances of targeting in Display Video 360 mechanisms, offering insights into leveraging this powerful tool to its fullest potential. By integrating DV360’s capabilities with AdsLinkers advanced features, advertisers can unlock new levels of campaign performance and audience engagement, setting a new benchmark in digital advertising excellence.

Programmatic global spending added on post about DV360 access levels

Programmatic global advertising spend in billion U.S. dollars, based on statista.com

What is Display & Video 360?

Display & Video 360 (DV360) serves as the cornerstone of Google Marketing Platform, providing advertisers and marketers with a unified platform for executing and managing their programmatic advertising efforts. Bridging various aspects of digital marketing—from planning and creative development to audience targeting and real-time bidding—DV360 stands as a comprehensive tool designed to advertising efficiency and effectiveness across the web.

At its core, DV360 facilitates a seamless, integrated approach to buying ad space, offering access to a wide array of inventory across display, video, and other digital formats like audio or DOOH. Its strength lies not only in this extensive reach but also in the depth of its free targeting options, which allow advertisers to pinpoint their ideal audiences based on a various criteria. By enabling precise audience segmentation and personalized ad delivery, DV360 helps marketers achieve a higher level of relevance and engagement with their campaigns.

Targeting in Display Video 360

Possible Targeting in Display Video 360

Cookie-based Targeting in Display Video 360

Cookie-based targeting in Display Video 360 (DV360) stands as a cornerstone technique for advertisers aiming to navigate the intricate digital landscape with precision and insight. By utilizing cookies, DV360 offers a robust suite of targeting options that enable advertisers to reach their desired audience based on a wealth of criteria, from basic demographic information to complex behavioral patterns. Here’s a closer look at how DV360 leverages cookie-based data for comprehensive targeting strategies:


This foundational aspect of cookie-based targeting in Display Video 360 allows advertisers to segment audiences based on age, gender, and other demographic factors available in a few markets like household income, ensuring ads reach the right demographic profiles.


Target users who are actively researching products or looking to make a purchase. In-market targeting in Display Video 360 uses cookies to identify users recent online behaviors, pinpointing those with a higher propensity to buy.


With affinity targeting in Display Video 360 algorithm taps into users long-term interests and habits, from cooking enthusiasts to tech aficionados, allowing for broad reach based on established preferences.

Custom Intent

Go beyond traditional interest targeting in Display Video 360 by focusing on users who have shown a specific intent to purchase, based on their recent search queries and browsing behavior. Custom intent targeting tailors ads to those at a crucial decision-making point.

Custom Affinity

A step further into personalization, custom affinity targeting in Display Video 360 enables advertisers to create their unique audience segments based on more detailed interests and behaviors, offering tailored messages that resonate deeply with each segment.


One of the most powerful tools in DV360’s arsenal, remarketing uses cookies to target users who have previously interacted with your brand or website, fostering brand recall and encouraging repeat visits or conversions.

Customer Match

By matching first-party customer data (like email addresses) with online users, Customer Match targeting allows for highly personalized advertising efforts directed at your existing customer base, enhancing loyalty and upselling opportunities.

Third-party Audiences

DV360 also provides access to extensive third-party data sources, enabling advertisers to enrich their targeting strategies with additional insights and reach beyond their own data, all facilitated through cookie-based tracking.

Cookieless Targeting in Display Video 360

As the digital advertising ecosystem evolves towards greater privacy standards, the shift to cookieless targeting in Display Video 360 becomes imperative. DV360 is at the forefront of this transition, offering advertisers a suite of powerful cookieless targeting options. These alternatives not only comply with emerging privacy regulations but also maintain the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Let’s explore how DV360 facilitates this through various cookieless targeting strategies.

Contextual (Categories)

DV360 enables advertisers to target ads based on the content of webpages or categories, ensuring relevance to the user’s current interests or the content they are consuming. This method relies on page themes and subjects, sidestepping the need for personal user data.


By targeting in Display Video 360 on specific keywords within the content users are engaging with, advertisers can reach audiences based on the context of their online activities, allowing for precision without infringing on user privacy.

Whitelists and Blacklists

Advertisers can curate lists of sites (whitelists) where they want their ads to appear or avoid (blacklists), ensuring brand safety and relevance by controlling the environment of their ad placements.

Youtube Channels

Leveraging the vast audience on YouTube, advertisers can target specific YouTube channels or videos, aligning their ads with content that matches their campaign’s theme or audience interest.


This strategy allows for control over where an ad appears on a page or within a video, offering advertisers the ability to place their messages in the most impactful positions to catch user attention.


Geographic targeting in Display Video 360 should remain unaffected by the shift away from cookies, allowing campaigns to be tailored to users based on regional criteria—from broad country-level targeting to more granified city-level segmentation.


Focusing on ad placements that meet certain viewability thresholds ensures that ads have the opportunity to be seen, maximizing campaign impact without relying on personal user data.

Day and time

Scheduling ads to run on specific days or times can optimize campaign performance by aligning with user behaviors and patterns, such as targeting weekend days for leisure-related products or services.

Device type

Targeting in Display Video 360 can be based on the device type—whether it’s smartphones, tablets, computers, or connected devices—allows advertisers to tailor their campaigns to the usage patterns and preferences associated with each device, optimizing user experience.

Using AdsLinkers for Targeting in Display Video 360

Integrating Display & Video 360 (DV360) with AdsLinkers marks a pivotal enhancement in the realm of programmatic advertising, streamlining the targeting process and ushering in campaigns that are not only more dynamic but also significantly more responsive. This synergy allows for a seamless blend of DV360’s advanced targeting capabilities with the unique features of AdsLinkers, thus propelling campaign performance to new heights. With us you can target with different triggers such as weather, stock exchange, forex rates, TV sync, brand sentiment or competitors activity.

Best Practices for Targeting in Display Video 360

Effective targeting in Display Video 360 necessitates a strategic approach grounded in industry best practices. Here are key considerations for maximizing the potential of DV360’s targeting features:

  • Segmentation and Personalization: Start by segmenting your audience based on detailed criteria and tailor your messaging to match these segments, enhancing personalization and relevance.
  • Continuous Testing and Learning: Implement A/B testing for different targeting strategies to discern what works best for your audience, and use these insights for ongoing campaign optimization.
  • Metrics and Analysis: Regularly review campaign metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your targeting strategies. Adjustments based on these analyses are crucial for improving performance and ROI.


The exploration of targeting in Display Video 360 reveals the profound impact that sophisticated, data-driven targeting strategies can have on the success of programmatic advertising campaigns. By leveraging the advanced capabilities of DV360, in conjunction with the dynamic optimization features offered by AdsLinkers, advertisers can achieve a level of precision and effectiveness previously unattainable.


Q: What is Display & Video 360 (DV360)?

A: DV360 is Google’s integrated platform that offers advertisers a comprehensive suite of tools for buying, managing, and optimizing programmatic ad campaigns across various digital channels.

Q: How does targeting in Display Video 360 enhance ad campaign performance?

A: Targeting in Display Video 360 allows advertisers to precisely reach their desired audience based on a variety of criteria including demographics, interests, behaviors, and more, leading to higher engagement rates and improved ROI.

Q: Can AdsLinkers integrate with DV360 for better targeting?

A: Yes, AdsLinkers seamlessly integrates with DV360, enhancing targeting capabilities through advanced data insights and real-time optimization features, thereby boosting campaign performance.

Q: What are some best practices for using DV360’s targeting features?

A: Best practices include segmenting your audience for personalized messaging, continuously testing and optimizing your targeting strategies, and closely monitoring campaign metrics for informed adjustments.

Q: How does the shift to cookieless affect targeting in Display Video 360 campaigns?

A: Targeting in Display Video 360 is adapting to the cookieless future by developing privacy-centric targeting options such as contextual and category targeting, ensuring advertisers can still reach relevant audiences effectively without relying on cookies.

Q: What type of advertisers can benefit from using DV360 and AdsLinkers?

A: Advertisers across all industries looking to leverage programmatic advertising for precise audience targeting and improved campaign outcomes can benefit from the combined power of DV360 and AdsLinkers.

Q: How can I get started with optimizing my DV360 campaigns using AdsLinkers?

A: To optimize your DV360 campaigns with AdsLinkers, begin by exploring the integration options available, set clear campaign goals, and leverage AdsLinkers’ features for enhanced targeting and real-time campaign adjustments.

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