May 19, 2024

by Bartosz Salamon


Improve your marketing mix

In the rapidly evolving world of digital marketing, having a cohesive and well-integrated strategy is essential for brand success. Combining traditional advertising methods with digital platforms can create a seamless and impactful marketing approach. One such powerful tool is TV Sync advertising, which bridges the gap between traditional TV ads and digital channels. AdsLinkers offers innovative solutions to harness the potential of TV Sync, ensuring your brand stays ahead in the competitive market.

Understanding TV Sync Advertising

TV Sync advertising is a cutting-edge technique that aligns digital ads with television commercials in real time. This method ensures that audiences receive consistent and synchronized messages across multiple channels, enhancing the overall impact of the advertising campaign. By leveraging TV Sync, marketers can engage with viewers on their digital devices immediately after or during a TV ad broadcast, creating a cohesive and immersive brand experience.

The practice of “second screening”—watching TV while using another electronic device—has become increasingly common, particularly among younger generations and that is why TV Sync is so important. According to global data, a significant proportion of consumers, especially Gen Z and Gen Alpha, frequently use their mobile phones while watching TV. For example, 60% of viewers in India, 57% in the UAE and Australia, and 55% in the USA, UK, and Denmark engage in second screening. This behavior is particularly prevalent among younger audiences, with higher engagement rates seen in the 18-34 age group (details available on YouGov).

Young customers use their mobile devices often while watching TV which makes them hard to reach

Benefits of TV Sync Advertising

TV Sync advertising offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance a brand’s digital strategy:

Increased Engagement

With TV Sync to digital ads, brands can capture the attention of viewers who are already engaged with their TV screens. This dual exposure can lead to higher engagement rates as the consistent messaging reinforces the brand’s presence. For brands targeting Gen Z and Gen Alpha, this is especially crucial as these demographics are highly interactive with their devices while watching TV.

Better Brand Recall with TV Sync

The simultaneous exposure to TV and digital ads helps improve brand recall. When younger viewers see an ad on TV and then encounter related digital content on their devices, they are more likely to remember the brand and its message. TV Sync is particularly effective for reaching tech-savvy, younger consumers who expect seamless integration between different media platforms.

Visualisation of marketing specialist using TV Sync

Enhanced Multi-Channel Marketing Effectiveness

TV Sync creates a seamless experience across multiple channels, ensuring that marketing messages are cohesive and complementary. This integrated approach amplifies the effectiveness of both TV and digital campaigns. For brands aiming to capture the attention of Gen Z and Gen Alpha, who frequently switch between devices, a synchronized strategy is essential.

Studies have shown that TV Sync advertising can significantly boost campaign performance. For instance, viewers who engage in second screening are more likely to interact with digital ads related to the TV content they are watching, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion.

How AdsLinkers Powers TV Sync Advertising

AdsLinkers harnesses the power of real-time data to transform how campaigns are managed and executed. We can automate your marketing in platforms like:

Here’s how the platform facilitates TV Sync advertising.

Real-Time TV Airing Data Integration

At the core of AdsLinkers platform there is integration center for any data. In terms of TV Sync currently we are using premade template CSV file to automate running campaigns in multiple marketing platforms. On our roadmap there is also plan to develop solution within next quarters to automatically process TV Sync data without need of CSV file.

Dynamic Campaign Adjustment with TV Sync

Using logical operators like “and” or “or,” AdsLinkers allows marketers to set complex conditions for when digital ads should be displayed. For example, an advertiser might set a condition for their digital ads to appear on social media platforms immediately after their TV commercial airs. This flexibility in campaign management allows for highly customized and effective marketing strategies not only TV Sync.

Setting Up TV Sync Workflows on AdsLinkers

Implementing TV Sync advertising on the AdsLinkers platform involves creating and automating workflows that enhance already established marketing campaigns. Here’s a streamlined guide on how to set up these workflows effectively.

TV Sync in AdsLinkers View

Step-by-Step Workflow Setup

Connect Your Account

Start by connecting your advertising account to AdsLinkers where you want to use TV Sync. This process involves granting access to individual advertisers, ensuring that AdsLinkers can interact with existing campaigns across various platforms.

Select Type of Workflow for TV Sync

Choose the type of workflow that best suits your marketing needs. AdsLinkers offers a variety of workflow templates, each designed to optimize different aspects of campaign management such as real-time bidding adjustments and content delivery based on TV schedules.

Define Your Workflow Settings

Configure your workflow by setting triggers, actions, and delays according to specific campaign needs. For TV Sync advertising, you should set a trigger based on specific TV commercial airings. Define actions such as launching a corresponding digital ad or adjusting bids in real time.

Incorporate Additional Data

Besides TV Sync, consider integrating other relevant data points that might impact campaign performance. This could include weather targeting, stock rates or sentiment to brand.

Double Check and Start

Before activating your TV Sync workflow, review all settings for accuracy and completeness. Ensure that all parameters are set correctly and that the workflow aligns with your overall marketing objectives. Once everything is in place, launch the workflow to start automating your campaigns based on real-time TV airing data and predefined conditions.

By following these steps, marketers can fully leverage the sophisticated automation capabilities of AdsLinkers and TV Sync feature, ensuring that their campaigns are not only more responsive but also more effective in engaging with their target audience at the right moment and under the right conditions.

Metrics for Evaluating TV Sync Campaigns

Effective evaluation of any digital strategy requires a deep understanding of both performance metrics and awareness metrics. These metrics help marketers gauge the effectiveness of their campaigns and make informed decisions to optimize future efforts. Here’s a breakdown of the key metrics used in TV Sync advertising.

Key Performance Indicators in TV Sync campaigns

Metrics Description
Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) This measures the total cost of acquiring a new customer and is crucial for determining the financial effectiveness of specific advertising actions.
Cost Per Click (CPC) A vital metric for assessing the cost-effectiveness of digital advertising campaigns, CPC indicates the cost incurred for each click on an ad.
Organic/Direct Share Verifying spikes in direct or organic share of voice in sessions on your website can give insights about effectiveness of TV Sync strategy.
Sessions While using TV Sync you can create timeline when your ads were running both in TV and online and verify the impact of TV Sync strategy in your marketing mix
Sales volume The most important metric for any e-commerce brand as it shows the overall transactions. With timeline of TV Sync you can verify as well if that strategy is a good fit for your brand.
Cost Per GRP How much money was needed to reach your targeted audience in TV advertising once.

Let us help your brand!

Are you ready to transform your digital advertising strategy with the power of real-time TV Sync? Contact AdsLinkers today to learn how our advanced platform can tailor your marketing efforts to dynamically match TV commercials, enhancing engagement and maximizing your return on investment. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make your advertising more relevant, responsive, and effective. Schedule a demo now and see the difference firsthand!


Q: What is TV Sync advertising and why is it important for digital marketing?

A: TV Sync advertising is a technique that aligns digital ads with television commercials in real time. This method ensures that audiences receive consistent and synchronized messages across multiple channels, enhancing the overall impact of the advertising campaign. It is important for digital marketing because it creates a seamless and immersive brand experience, increasing engagement and improving brand recall, especially among younger audiences who frequently use their mobile devices while watching TV.

Q: How does TV Sync advertising benefit brands targeting Gen Z and Gen Alpha?

A: TV Sync advertising is particularly effective for targeting Gen Z and Gen Alpha because these younger generations are highly interactive with their devices while watching TV. By synchronizing digital ads with TV commercials, brands can capture the attention of these tech-savvy viewers, leading to higher engagement rates and better brand recall. The integrated approach ensures that marketing messages are cohesive and complementary across different media platforms, making it an essential strategy for reaching young consumers.

Q: How does AdsLinkers integrate real-time TV airing data with digital marketing tools?

A: The platform updates advertising parameters automatically based on these schedules, allowing campaigns to adapt in real time. This ensures that digital ads are displayed concurrently with TV commercials, providing a TV Sync advertising experience that enhances engagement and effectiveness.

Q: What features does AdsLinkers offer for setting up TV Sync advertising workflows?

A: AdsLinkers offers a variety of workflow templates designed to optimize different aspects of campaign management, such as real-time bidding adjustments and content delivery based on TV schedules. Users can configure workflows by setting triggers, actions, and delays according to specific campaign needs. For TV Sync advertising, users might set triggers based on specific TV commercial airings and define actions such as launching corresponding digital ads or adjusting bids.


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