August 29, 2024

by Bartosz Salamon


As the digital landscape continues to evolve, marketers are constantly on the lookout for new and effective ways to connect with their target audience. TikTok, with its over 1 billion active users worldwide, has become a key platform for brands looking to engage with a younger, highly interactive audience. Among its most penetrated markets are Indonesia, with 157 million users, and the USA, with 120 million users. On average, TikTok users spend more than 58 minutes per day on the platform, making it a fertile ground for impactful advertising strategies.

Keeping your marketing strategy up to date with personalized advertising as it is key to reach consumers short attention span. With weather targeting in TikTok you can hyper-personalize your ads, and bring more ROI!

TikTok users by country in 2024.

Countries with most users on TikTok in 2024

TikTok users characteristic in 2024

TikTok’s demographics reveal a platform that is predominantly youthful but also includes a significant portion of users who are entering or are well-established in their prime earning years. Globally, nearly 70% of TikTok’s audience falls within the 18 to 34 age range, making it an ideal platform for brands looking to engage with a young, dynamic audience. However, it’s important to note that TikTok is not just for teenagers—its user base is diversifying. While the platform is often associated with younger users, there is a substantial presence of older age groups as well, particularly in regions where TikTok is gaining traction among broader demographics.

Moreover, TikTok’s audience skews slightly male, with men making up almost 55% of its user base. This male dominance presents unique opportunities for targeting specific consumer segments. As these young adults grow in their careers, their purchasing power is increasing, making them a highly valuable demographic for marketers. TikTok provides a robust platform not only to capture the attention of younger users but also to engage those who are becoming significant players in the consumer market due to their growing incomes and evolving preferences.

Users by gender on TikTok globally.

Countries with most users on TikTok in 2024

TikTok users by country in 2024.

Why you should use weather targeting in TikTok?

1. Increased Relevance and Engagement: Weather significantly impacts consumer behavior. For example, on a hot sunny day, users might be more inclined to engage with ads promoting cold beverages, outdoor activities, or summer fashion. Conversely, during rainy weather, ads for indoor entertainment, cozy clothing, or hot drinks may resonate better. By aligning your TikTok ads with current weather conditions, you make your messaging more relevant, which can lead to higher engagement rates.

2. Enhanced Personalization: Today’s consumers expect personalized experiences. By leveraging weather data, you can tailor your TikTok ads to deliver content that feels more personalized and timely. This personalization can help your brand stand out in the crowded TikTok environment, where users are bombarded with content every minute.

3. Optimized Ad Spend: Weather targeting allows you to optimize your ad spend by focusing your budget on the most favorable conditions for your product or service. For instance, if you’re advertising a product that sells better in colder weather, you can allocate more of your budget to regions experiencing lower temperatures, ensuring that your ads reach the most receptive audience.

How to implement weather targeting in TikTok?

To use weather targeting in TikTok set up account on AdsLinkers or reach out to us through Contact Us Form! Setting up automation in AdsLinkers system is extremely easy and quick – You can do it in matter of minutes!

First of all you have to sync your TikTok account with granting access to manage ads on your behalf.

How to grant an access to TikTok ads for AdsLinkers app.

Decide which weather conditions are most relevant to your product or service. For example, a beer manufacturer would benefit from triggering ads during sunny conditions, while a clothing brand might target rainy weather. These triggers can be set up to activate or pause your TikTok ads automatically, ensuring that your messaging is always contextually appropriate for specific geolocation.

View of workflow setup in AdsLinkers with weather triggers for Social Media like TikTok

You can also choose 3 types of workflows:

  • 1-way – it is the simplest one when you just need to perform action while a specific trigger happens
  • 2-way – workflow that is able to do two changes based on two different triggers, so it could easily do big picture scenarios for specific campaigns
  • all-time – this workflow was created for ongoing campaigns and the ones where triggers changes multiple times a day (like weather, forex rate, stock exchange etc.)
Different types of workflows available in AdsLinkers platform.

Why weather targeting in TikTok works?

The power of weather targeting lies in its ability to create a personalized and contextually relevant experience for users. As TikTok’s user base continues to grow and diversify, the need for tailored advertising strategies becomes even more critical. Weather targeting allows brands to tap into the daily lives of users, delivering content that feels timely, relevant, and engaging.

Moreover, as TikTok users spend significant time on the app, often multiple times throughout the day, weather targeting ensures that your brand’s message is not only seen but resonates with the user’s current environment. This leads to higher engagement rates, increased brand loyalty, and ultimately, better ROI on your advertising spend.

Ready to improve your TikTok campaigns with weather targeting? Contact AdsLinkers today to learn how our platform can help you seamlessly integrate weather data into your digital marketing strategy and achieve outstanding results.


Q: What is weather targeting in TikTok advertising, and how does it work?
A: Weather targeting in TikTok advertising involves tailoring ad campaigns based on local weather conditions. Using a platform like AdsLinkers, marketers can set up triggers that automatically adjust their TikTok ads depending on real-time weather data. For example, ads promoting summer apparel can be displayed more frequently in regions experiencing sunny weather, while ads for warm beverages can be targeted to areas experiencing colder temperatures. This approach makes ads more relevant and engaging for users.

Q: Why should marketers consider using weather targeting in TikTok?
A: Weather targeting enhances ad relevance by aligning marketing messages with the current weather conditions of the target audience, which can significantly increase engagement rates. It allows for personalized ad experiences, optimizes ad spend by focusing on favorable conditions, and leverages TikTok’s massive and highly active user base, especially among the 18 to 34-year-old demographic, to maximize campaign impact.

Q: What types of ads are best suited for weather targeting in TikTok?
A: Several TikTok ad formats can benefit from weather targeting, including In-Feed Ads and TopView Ads. In-Feed Ads can be dynamically adjusted based on weather conditions, while TopView Ads, which appear when users open the app, can be tailored to deliver a high-impact, weather-specific message right at the start.

Q: How does the demographic of TikTok users support the use of weather-targeted ads?
A: TikTok’s user base is predominantly young, with nearly 70% of its audience between the ages of 18 to 34. This group is not only tech-savvy but also increasingly influential in terms of purchasing power. Moreover, with a slight majority of male users (almost 55%), weather-targeted ads can effectively engage a diverse and dynamic audience that values personalized and contextually relevant content.

Q: What are the benefits of using AdsLinkers for weather targeting in TikTok?
A: AdsLinkers simplifies the integration of weather data into your TikTok campaigns, enabling automatic adjustments based on real-time conditions. This ensures your ads are always relevant, maximizing engagement and ROI. The platform supports seamless connections with various marketing platforms and allows marketers to create complex workflows that can adapt to changing weather scenarios, making it an ideal tool for effective weather-targeted advertising.

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